Sunday, September 11, 2011

She's the First

She's the First is a non-profit organization that I joined this past May. There are about 8 other 8th graders that do this group with me and then our "leader" is our wonderful librarian Mrs. Miller. Mrs. Miller started this whole group by connecting with the CEO (Tammy Tibbetts) after winning the Connecting People Shorty Award this year. After that, Mrs. Miller and Tammy connected through Skype and Twitter and there were a couple of us that were interested in doing this and so we started it. After that a couple of other people joined with us and we started fundraising! What She's the First is, is its a organization that help girls in other countries get an education, so that they can be the first in their family to do what they want and get a job. So, what we do is we have fundraisers to earn money for the girl that we are sponsoring. She's the First*{Van Meter} has had a couple of different fundraisers, and we have raised over $1,200 in the past 6 months. It takes $1,000 to pay for 1 year of the girl that we are sponsorings tuition. We are now going to be sponsoring this girl for the last year of her high school year. Here is an animoto video that I made that shows all of the different schools/projects that She's the First sponsors:

Monday, September 5, 2011


Animoto is a really fun website that you can make videos on. It works very nice because you can add pictures, text, and music and they put it all together for you. I love to make book projects and other videos using animoto. Its fun to explore the different templates that you can choose from to make your video out of. They have a whole bunch of different variety of music that you can choose from, or you can use your own music from your computer. 

Its fun to make videos on animoto especially if you make a video of one of your vacations that you took. I think that animoto is a very easy thing to do once you learn the basics of it, but other then that, you can make videos in 5-10 minutes depending on how much information you would like to put in your video. Sometimes if you have lots of free time, its fun to take your time and make a really nice video and add lots of details to your video. :)

You can visit the site: